Friday, December 5, 2014

Acupuncture for beautiful life: Take a good cares of your organs is the key for be...

Acupuncture for beautiful life: Take a good cares of your organs is the key for be...: Take a good cares of your organs is the key for better health. Our body is like a Kingdom. The Heart as like Monarch (King), the Kidney...

Take a good cares of your organs is the key for better health.

Our body is like a Kingdom. The Heart as like Monarch (King), the Kidney as like a Queen, the Lung as like a Prime Minister, the Liver as like a General, the Spleen as like an Administrator.

Coordination among five elements with five organs is like Governance Kingdom.

The wood produce fire, 
The fire produce earth,
The earth produce metal,
The metal produce water,
The water produce wood.

Which, the liver benefit the heart, the heart benefit the spleen, the spleen benefit the lung, the lung benefit the kidney, the kidney benefit the liver. It's all connected with control!

The wood control the earth,
The earth control the water,
The water control fire,
The fire control metal,
the metal control wood.

So, the liver help the spleen, the spleen help the kidney, the kidney help the heart, the heart help the lung, the lung help the liver! They helped each other!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

What is a marriage? Two people joining together to be more than either one alone. 

In addition to the union of two people, we use the term " Marriage" to describe other types of joining, such as a marriage of form and function, marriage of words and art. 

The Specific psychology utilizes some of the understanding and principles of acupuncture married to some concepts and processes of psychology.

Certainly limited in our understanding and application of the processes and nuances of acupuncture, yet sufficiently versed in psychological processes to utilize certain aspects of acupoints and meridians to boost the effects of psychological interventions.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Stomach Pain--Detoxification Stomach Acid

The stomach pain, acid regurgitation, loss appetite and overall poor digestions when stressed. In addition to specific stomach complaints, intestinal problems such as irritable bowel syndrome.

It occurs in patients with insufficient, not excessive, acid production--specifically with a lack of adequate hydrochloric acid (HCI). people may develop low stomach acidity following pernicious anemia, chronic H.pylori infections.

HCI is secreted by the parietal cells in the stomach lining (rugae). in a healthy person, the lining of stomach is soft, flexible, and full of little wrinkles that flex around as the stomach expand and contracts.

with age, poor diet, and even poor posture. the stomach lining begins to lose its flexibility and hardens as a result. The hardens of stomach lining (rugae) is uncomfortable.

Once rugae shrinks, the distance from Ren-15 to Ren 8 also shrinks.

Rugae hardening over time can be a bidirectional issue. The hardening of the rugae leads to poor posture and poor posture squeezes the rugae, causing in to harden.

Insufficient HCI production which can result in following conditions:

  • Poor digestion or protein
  • Poor absorption of minerals and B12 vitamins
  • poor protection against food poisoning, H.pylori bacteria, parasites and infections.
  • Weakened immune defense
These are not limited to the digestive track and can include symptoms such as the following:
  • Digestive: bloating and burning feeling after eating, feeling overly full, constipation, diarrhea, food allergies, iron deficiency, etc.
  • Skin: rosacea, itching, rashes, acne, weak and peeling fingernails, etc.
  • Other associated diseases include: asthma, celiac diseases, autoimmune disorders, diabetes, GB disease, osteoporosis, etc.

Treatment points:
  • Ear Triple Warmer
  • Ear Stomach
  • Ear-Eustachian tube point
  • Stomach-11
  • Immune point
  • Stomach 36 area
  • Abdominal palpation and pressure pain on Ren12, left stomach-21, and left Stomach21 and left Stomach11 are good indicators that this treatment may be appropriate for the patient.
  • Reflexes on the Ren 4-6 line; Ren-9 pulsing along with Spleen 20 pressure pain on left side.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Acupuncture is the stimulation of specific acu-points along the skin of the body involving various methods such as penetration by thin needles or the application of heat, pressure, or TDP light.

Traditional acupuncture involved needle insertion, moxibustion and cupping therapy, it is a form of complementary and alternative medicine and a key component of traditional Chinese medicine.

According to TCM, stimulating specific acupuncture points corrects imbalances in the flow of Qi through channels know as meridians.

Acupuncture aims to treat a range of conditions, though is most commonly used for pain relief.

Acupuncture has been the subject of active scientific research, both in regard to its basis and therapeutic effectiveness.

Any evidence on the effectiveness of acupuncture is "variable and inconsistent" for all conditions. An overview of high-quality. suggested that acupuncture may alleviate some but not all kinds of pain, while a systematic reviews found little evidence that acupuncture is an effective treatment for reducing pain.

Although minimally invasive, the puncturing of the skin with acupuncture needles poses problems when designing trials that adequately control for placebo effects.

Acupuncture needles are typically made of stainless steel, making them flexible and preventing them from rusting or breaking. Needles are disposable, and are thrown away after use to prevent contamination.

Nowadays..Radiesse, Juvederm, Restylane, Perlane and Belotero , Botox, Dysport, Xeomin are popular for women and men to fight the wrinkles or aging!

The needles is thin...and the result is shown perfectly..but a little non-natural....

if you think the filler needle is not hurt...then acupuncture needles is nothing compare them.

And you already done it...after follow the post-treatment Guidelines for injectables..The Facial GuaSha or Facial Cupping can relax the non-natural muscle...and totally benefits!

The post-treatment for fillers:

  • Avoids facial massages to the treated area for a week.
  • Lips only: Avoid smoking, whistling, from a straw, and French Kissing for at least 24 hours after treatment; your lips will remain numb for a few hours after the treatment, at this time avoid drinking hot liquids to prevent burning your lips and be careful with eating.
----after that Facial Guasha and Facial Cupping will help to remain the look!!! 
---To keep, then Acupuncture Facial rejuvenation needles treatment.

The post-treatment for neurotoxin:

  • Avoid hot baths, sauna, stream rooms and whirlpools for 24 hours after treatment, showers may be taken, as long as not too hot.
  • Avoid lying down for 2 hours
  • Avoid intense cardiovascular exercise for 24 hours
--you will happy see the full effect from 3 days up to 2 weeks, but to look natural after all...Facial Guasha and Facial Cupping is a key! 

--another best way to keep that full effects...Acupuncture for Face and neck needles!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

    Fang Feng

  • Clears wind
  • Reduces age spots
  • Diminishes discoloration
  • Diminishes scars, stretch marks (after birth)

Bai Zhi

  • clears sinuses
  • Clears wind
  • Regenerates flesh
  • Lightens discoloration
  • Removes toxic smell from body

Bai Fu Zi

  • Clears internal wind and phlegm
  • Guides Qi and Blood to the face

Ye Ju Hua (Chrysanthemum)

  • Penetrates deep into the skin cells
  • Reduces age Spots

Jin Yin Hua

  • Clears heat, detoxifies the skin
  • Works well with Ye Ju Hua

Bai Ji Li

  • Stops Itching
  • Soothes skin rash and calms sensitive skin
  • clears rashes from the face

Dong Gua Zi

  • Reduces facial swelling
  • brightens the face, help eliminate dark/aging spots
  • Tonifies spleen and clears dampness

Yi Yi Ren

  • Clear toxins from the skin
  • Makes skin feel silky

Gan Cao

  • Travels through all channels
  • Detoxifies the skin, brightens the face
      Caution: Gan Cao can increase blood pressure.

Xiang Fu Zi

  • Soothes and promotes flow of liver Qi, works as hormone regulator
  • Protects the skin from UV exposure
  • Help relieve dry skin and wrinkles conditions


  • Help skin fight the aging process
  • Helps prevent wrinkles formation
  • Strongly lifts yuan Qi, help lifting sagging of the face
  • Beautiful skin and face
caution: Ginseng may raise blood pressure, especially Korean ginseng and red ginseng

Huang Qi

  • Strengthens skin surface, helps prevent wrinkle formation
  • Lifts up sinking Qi, expels dampness. It helps improve the condition of sagging of face, eye bags, and facial puffiness

Ce Bai Ye

  • Promotes hair growth
  • Used for alopecia areata
  • Cshenlears acne and oily skin
  • cool the blood

Dan Shen

  • Has antioxidant effect
  • Helps promote Qi and Blood flow to the face
  • Liver Qi stagnation

Dang Gui

  • Has anti-aging property
  • Nourishes dry skin
  • Promotes blood flow to the facial area

Hong Hua

  • Promotes blood flow
  • works for dark/age spot
  • Nourishes dry skin

Tao Ren

  • Helps fight wrinkles
  • Nourishes dry skin

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Auricular acupuncture refers to the use of acupuncture needles or other modalities to stimulate certain parts of ear for the prevention and treatment of disease. (weight loss, quit smoking, headache, insomnia , all the pain management, facial rejuvenation, TMJ, allergy and so on...)

Ear points are not only used to treat diseases of the body with respect to the corresponding organ points, but also can be used as a diagnostic tool for body conditions.

Ear acupuncture for facial conditions follows the same philosophy as regular ear treatment. Because there are corresponding points in the ear that relate to certain organ systems, many of which effect the facial area, stimulating these ear points can produce amazing results for facial rejuvenation.

Ear seeds can also be used as in regular ear seeds protocols.

  • Shen Men--clams the spirit, clears heat, drains fire,used for dark eye circles due to insomnia, lusterless complexion due to emotional stress, itching skin, weight loss, quit smoking

  • Endocrine--regulates liver Qi, vents the channel and promote blood flow, expels wind, strengthens lower Jiao, used for dark/age spots, facial discolorations, menopausal conditions

  • Face--vents the channels and promotes Qi Flow, used for discoloration, dark/age spots, wrinkles, sagging face and acne.

  • Pi Zi Xia--regulates the brain cortex, clams the spirit, increases anti-inflammatory effects, reduces swelling, used for discoloration, inflammation, wrinkles

  • LU--Clears heat, nourishes lung Yin, used for itching and wrinkles due to dryness, withered complexion, dark spot, discoloration

  • HT--calms the spirit, regulates Ying blood, used for withered and/or pole complexion, dark eye circles wrinkles

  • LIV--soothes the liver, benefits lung Qi and gallbladder, promotes blood flow, harmonizes Ying blood, brightens the eyes, used for facial rejuvenation of dark/age spots, discoloration, wrinkles, itching, dark eye circles, eye bags due to liver Qi stagnation.

  • KI--tonifies kidney essence, strengthens tendons and bones, brightens eyes. aids hearing used for wrinkles, dark/age spots. sagging face, dark eye circles. eye bags due to kidney Yang deficiency

  • SP--tonifies spleen Qi, nourishes skin, generates Ying blood, treats dampness, transports nutrients, used for swelling and puffiness, eye bags, sagging, dark spots and discoloration, dark eye circles due to phlegm

  • LI--clears lower burner, benefits lung Qi, used for acne, dark spots

  • SP on the back of ear--harmonizes SP and ST, nourishes skin, used for sagging, puffiness of eyes or face

  • LU on the back of ear--tonifies lung, clears heat, benefit skin and hair, used for dry, withered skin, wrinkles and acne

  • LIV on the back of the ear -- soother liver and stomach, promotes blood flow, used for discoloration, dark.age spots, wrinkles, dark eye circles

  • KI on the back of the ear-- nourishes kidney essence, strengthens bones and marrow, sharpens hearing, used for discolorations, dark/age spots, wrinkles, dark eye circles

  • HT on the back of ear--clams the spirit, strengthens heart heat, benefits facial complexion, used for wrinkles, pale complexion

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Acupuncture facial rejuvenation that is based on the channel system specifically performs the following functions:

  • Promotes free flow of Qi and Blood and opens the channel system
  • Regulates yin and yang
  • Regulates excess and deficiency

REN Channel--the REN channel collects the body's yin energy, regulates all the yin channels of the body. It treats problem in the abdomen. chest, neck, head and face, as well as corresponding internal organ diseases. 

Many points from REN channel can be used for the treatment of anti0aging, weight management, and breast enlargement.

  • REN 6--swelling of the face, aging, hair loss, withered complexion 
  • REN 4--weak constitution, aging, lusterless complexion, chronic disease
  • REN 12--weak digestion and dampness in middle Jiao with yellow and withered complexion as well as dark spots and puffiness of the yes and face
  • REN 24-- swelling of the face, wrinkles around the lips

DU Channel--the DU channel collects the body's yang energy and regulates all the yang channels of the body. Many of the points from the DU channel treat mental disorders, heat disease, back, neck and head problem, as well as corresponding internal organ disease.

  • DU10--releases wind as heat in the skin layers
  • DU14--clears heat, resolves dark spots
  • DU4--promotes lustrous skin, reduces facial swelling

Large Intestine (LI) Channel--the hand yang ming channel is full of Qi and Blood. It performs the functions of expelling toxins from the body, which directly related to the healthy condition of skin. Many points from the LI channel treat conditions of the head, face, skin, as well as warm febrile disease and weight loss.

  • LI4--facial wrinkles, facial discolorations, sagging eyes, spasm or facial muscles
  • LI9, LI10--promotes Qi and Blood flow to the facial area, clears toxic heat from the skin
  • LI11--facial discolorations and dark spots, red and swollen eyes

Stomach (ST) Channel--the foot yang ming channel is most important channel in the body for acupuncture facial rejuvenation. It treat digestive conditions, face, head, neck, nose and mouth problems, weight problem, and facial beauty related concerns, points from the channel treat dull complexion, facial discolorations and age spots, wrinkles, sagging of the face, sensitive skin, eye bags, and puffiness.

  • ST1, ST2--wrinkles around the eyes, eye bags, dark under eye circles
  • ST3--wrinkles around the eyes, eye bags, dark under eye circles, facial sagging, dull complexion, dark spots, facia discoloration
  • ST6, ST7--sagging of chin and neck, age spots
  • ST8--forehead wrinkles, drooping upper eyelid
  • ST36--dull complexion, sagging face, wrinkles due to Qi deficiency, eye bags

Spleen (SP) Channel--is paired with ST channel, the base for postnatal energy. Seated in the body's center, its functions of transportation and transformation are crucial for healthy and beautiful skin. It transforms dampness, firms and lifts skin and muscles, improves dull complexion and rough skin, promotes healthy skin tone and regulates weight problems.

  • SP6, SP10--dark and age spots, facial discoloration, dark under eye circles
  • SP9--puffiness of eyes, eye bags, swelling of face, overweight due to dampness accumulation

Urinary Bladder (UB) Channel--as longest channel in the body, it passes the face, head, and back all the way to the lower extremities. Many of the corresponding back shu points treat facial rejuvenation concerns that are related to the imbalance of internal organ functions. They regulate the endocrine system, promote weight loss, improve complexion and clear sensitive conditions.

  • UB2-wrinkle, puffy eyes
  • UB12--sensitive skin
  • UB13--dry and sensitive skin
  • UB15--nourish Shen, beautify face
  • UB17--sensitive skin, wrinkles caused by dry skin, dark spots
  • UB18--dry/oil skin, dark spots
  • UB20--dry skin, withered complexion, puffy and sagging eyes and face, early aging
  • UB21--loose faial muscles and sagging
  • UB22-puffy face, sensitive skin
  • UB23--dry skin, wrinkles skin, age spots, dark under eye circles, early aging
  • UB43--withered complexion, sagging face
  • UB60--dark spots

Kidney (KI) Channel--paired with UB channel, rules the reproductive systems, growth and agin, regulates water metabolism, and water distribution, and governs bones and marrow. 

  • KI1--facial swelling
  • KI3--dry skin, dark or age spots, withered complexion

Liver (LIV) Channel--many points in this channel are used to sooth liver Qi stagnation.

  • LIV2--lusterless complexion, dark spots
  • LIV3--wrinkles, dark spots

Gallbladder (GB) Channel--many points from this channel treat facial beauty concern locally

  • GB1--wrinkles around eyes (crow's feet)
  • GB14--sagging eyelid, wrinkled forehead
  • GB20--dry and sensitive skin
  • GB31--sensitive skin
  • GB44--facial sagging

When Traditional Chinese Medicine related the five element to the human body and it's functioning.

it should not be interpreted as saying that body is made out of earth, fire, metal, water and wood.

By finding relationships between organs and elements, and charting their interaction with other categories of health factors.

TCM was able to construct an intricate and useful systems for explaining how the body works.

According to the five elements system, five directions correspondent to seasonal changes:

  • in the Springtime. direction is east. Because there is more wind in the east, liver wind conditions tend to happen during this season, manifesting as Bell's palsy, drooping of upper eyelid, and muscle spasm around the eyelid.

  • In summertime, direction is south and is always accompanied by more heat. Conditions such as heart heat manifests as red face and eyes, with sores appearing in the mouth. In the long summer overwhelming dampness ends to injure the spleen's normal function, leading to skin conditions such as damp-type acne, eczema, and other related damp heat conditions.

  • In autumn, dryness in the west tends to injure the lungs, this manifests as skin rashes, acne, dry skin, and wrinkles.

  • In wintertime, exposure to wind cold from the north can cause rough and dry skin condition.

Qi, Blood, and Body Fluid vs. Facial rejuvenation

-- These basic materials are transformed into body essence through the internal organ system and then distributed into our skin, flesh, and joints through the channel system, Therefore, Qi, Blood and body fluids are closely related to the skin, beauty, shape of the face, hair, and general state of being.

  • Qi vs Facial Rejuvenation--Stagnant Qi blocks the normal flow of the blood, manifesting in dark spots and discolorations in the face. Which in turn, can cause puffiness of the eyes and face, and unwanted dark-brown pigmentations.

  • Blood vs Facial Rejuvenation--Blood moves through the Zang Fu Organ and channel system, nourishing and rejuvenating the body as it flows. If blood is deficient, it will fail to nourish the spirit, skin, hair, and fingernails, and the complexion will suffer as well. Too much heat inside blood will cause the spirit to be agitated and abnormal in the face.

  • Body Fluids vs Facial rejuvenation--Abundant body fluids can promote a healthy skin from dryness. A deficiency in body fluids leaves the skin and eyes dry. The dryness makes the face vulnerable to wrinkles. If body fluids are stagnant, it will affect the entire body system including constipation, water retention in the body can directly affect the appearance of one's face.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Facial Needles

Facial Acupuncture is totally natural, non- surgical facial  that more people are turning to as a viable and highly acclaimed alternative to invasive injections, fillers and chemical treatments.

It involves tiny, painless acupuncture needles into various point on the face/neck/belly. 

Yet, when the needles into the skin, the "pain" you feel is the needle prick to skin...
If you feel "tick" on your body, is working on your circulation with your blood.
If you feel like rheumatic jerks, which mean the needles get the right spot with the problem area.

Just relax for 5 seconds, let needles stay at least 30 minutes...

The benefits are:
1) Increases blood circulation encourages oxygenation, detox and lymph drainage.
2) Improves skin tone and texture
3) stimulates collagen to plump up the skin.
4) Tightens muscles in the face and neck and belly.
5) increases cell regeneration filling out and smoothing lines and wrinkles.
6) regulates and Balances hormones - in acne type, stress related and menopausal skin.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Gua Sha

We done Gua Sha for りかさん almost one month now...
We truly believe our technique.. To get the great result and keep the result with brighten skin and rejuvanation... Need work on the face at least half hour non-stop!
The online deals company ask us low down our price to promote it? 
Yet, I can get the new clients...but our work is not just do other face stuffs then just 5 minutes Gua Sha!
The price I get from the online deal is not worthy...and if we only done 5 minutes and other time with cleaning and mask...that's lie! It can't call face rejuvanation! 
We don't cheat our clients...we love to see our clients work out our office with truly great skin tone! 

Saturday, June 14, 2014


     Benefits of Gua Sha

§  Attain a brighter, Radiant and healthier skin
§  Cells are activated and face regains elasticity
§  Clearing clogged pores
§  Detoxifies skin
§  Double chin reduced
§  Enhances absorption ability for skin care and makeup products
§  Uplifts sagging skin to become suppler/firmer
§  Improve skin cells growth and renewal
§  Reduced insomnia
§  Iron out fine line and wrinkle
§  Promotes a healthy and younger looking skin
§  Promotes blood circulation, activates energy
§  Reduces pores size
§  Reducing pigmentation, freckles
§  Help to tone the face
§  Release of stress
§  Removes dark circles/eye bags/puffy eyes
§  Smoother Skin, youthful look
§  Uneven tone improved

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Acupuncture helps restore and strengthen the body's ability to heal itself.

It can improve the effectiveness of medical treatment when you need it, and help keep your healthy when you don't.

By helping your body function at is best, we help you prevent illness and injury, and improve your ability to recover.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and World Health Organization (WHO) recognize that acupuncture is clinically effective for over 40 common disorders, including:

  • Ear, Nose & Throat Disorders: Sinusitis, rhinitis, earache, toothache, laryngitis

  • Respiratory Disorders: Colds and flus, bronchitis, asthma, allergies, emphysema
  • Gastrointestinal Disorders: Nausea, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, IBS, colitis, ulcers
  • Urogenital Disorders: Incontinence, cystitis, IC, prostatitis, BPH
  • Gynecological Disorders: Infertility, menopausal syndrome, endometriosis, PMS, menstrual problems, erectile dysfunction
  •  Musculoskeletal Disorders: Arthritis, sciatica, low back pain, fibromyalgia, post-surgical recovery, tennis elbow, frozen shoulder
  • Psycho emotional & Neurological Disorders: Anxiety, depression, insomnia, migraine, dizziness, post-stroke paralysis

Saturday, June 7, 2014


Method of locating the points: one the medical side of the leg, 3cun directly above the tip of the medial malleolus, posterior to the medial border of the tibia.

Actions and indications: 
Abdominal distension, borborygmus, diarrhea, irregular menstruation,dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, abdominal mass. metrothagia an metrostaxis, sterility, prolapse of uterus, impotence, emission, enuresis, hernia, edema, insomnia, dizziness, numbness of the lower limbs.

Method of locating the point: With the knee is flexed, the point is 3Cun below Dubi, one finger-breath from the anterior crest of the tibia.
Actions and indications: Stomachache, vomiting, hiccup, abdominal pain and distension, borborygmus, anorexia, diarrhea, constipation, dysentery, acute appendicitis, edema, emaciation due to general deficiency, palpitation, dizziness, insufficient location, pain, numbness and paralysis of the lower limbs.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

                                     Try Gua Sha

Gua sha is a traditional Chinese massage technique that involves scraping the skin to enhance blood and qi flow. The results of gua sha can be surprising if you haven’t done it before—it brings blood to the skin surface and can cause some visible bruising or redness—but it actually feels great and helps release toxins and stimulate the immune system.

Nick asked: How the cosmetic acupuncture can benefit my skin?

That was keep me thinking over and over....Because he is young, because he got a great skin tone and do taking good care.

Besides prevent the wrinkle and stimulates elastic and collagen..What else?

So I went to my beauty bible of acupuncture...

The facts is to improvement for:

  • Insomnia
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Mild Anxiety
  • Headache
  • Sinus
  • Coughing
  • Reduce the volume of snore
  • allergy
  • Night Sweat
And more........

Saturday, May 31, 2014


                                                  Acupuncture Trigger Points 

 It just only for the face....can you count how many points on the face we can insert the needles in and treat every single diagnosis reflect from immune system?

So Cosmetic Acupuncture is not just treat the face problem and also can help to balance it. 

Headache, Snoring, allergy, cough, sinus and so on...

Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Art of Gua Sha!

Gua Sha is applied to the head, torso and limb as a form of detoxification.

Gua Sha can applied to the face and neck.

Gua Sha is similar to Acupuncture except that it is done without using intrusive needles,

Gua Sha is work when people who got the Botox relax the muscle.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

    Cosmetic Acupuncture providing a natural approach to youthful appearance.

    We are strong recommend men do need to be look good with nice skin tone and prevent the wrinkle      and fine line.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

                                                Delight Acupuncture PC is open Now...

                                 We are seeing patients for acupuncture on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

                                 By Appointment only, Please email

                                 Text: 212 365 8386 or call : 212 265 2052

                                 Thank You!

Friday, May 16, 2014

           Delight Acupuncture is half way done....and we are so happy on 5-20-2014 opening!

Monday, May 12, 2014

                                  Metal (Gold) Meridians

The Metal Meridians connect with our purity, spirituality, self esteem, loyalty, conceit, and longing for what has been. The metal element flourishes the Fall.

Lung Meridian: respiratory, Diseases, Sore Throat, Cough, Common Cold, Pain in the Shoulder

  • Peak time: 3-5am
  • Trigger emotions: Grief, Intolerance

Large Intestine Meridian: Abdominal Pain, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Sore Throat, Toothache in the Lower Gum, Nasal Discharge and Bleeding

  • Peak Time: 5-7am
  • Trigger Emotions: Guilt