Saturday, July 19, 2014

    Fang Feng

  • Clears wind
  • Reduces age spots
  • Diminishes discoloration
  • Diminishes scars, stretch marks (after birth)

Bai Zhi

  • clears sinuses
  • Clears wind
  • Regenerates flesh
  • Lightens discoloration
  • Removes toxic smell from body

Bai Fu Zi

  • Clears internal wind and phlegm
  • Guides Qi and Blood to the face

Ye Ju Hua (Chrysanthemum)

  • Penetrates deep into the skin cells
  • Reduces age Spots

Jin Yin Hua

  • Clears heat, detoxifies the skin
  • Works well with Ye Ju Hua

Bai Ji Li

  • Stops Itching
  • Soothes skin rash and calms sensitive skin
  • clears rashes from the face

Dong Gua Zi

  • Reduces facial swelling
  • brightens the face, help eliminate dark/aging spots
  • Tonifies spleen and clears dampness

Yi Yi Ren

  • Clear toxins from the skin
  • Makes skin feel silky

Gan Cao

  • Travels through all channels
  • Detoxifies the skin, brightens the face
      Caution: Gan Cao can increase blood pressure.

Xiang Fu Zi

  • Soothes and promotes flow of liver Qi, works as hormone regulator
  • Protects the skin from UV exposure
  • Help relieve dry skin and wrinkles conditions


  • Help skin fight the aging process
  • Helps prevent wrinkles formation
  • Strongly lifts yuan Qi, help lifting sagging of the face
  • Beautiful skin and face
caution: Ginseng may raise blood pressure, especially Korean ginseng and red ginseng

Huang Qi

  • Strengthens skin surface, helps prevent wrinkle formation
  • Lifts up sinking Qi, expels dampness. It helps improve the condition of sagging of face, eye bags, and facial puffiness

Ce Bai Ye

  • Promotes hair growth
  • Used for alopecia areata
  • Cshenlears acne and oily skin
  • cool the blood

Dan Shen

  • Has antioxidant effect
  • Helps promote Qi and Blood flow to the face
  • Liver Qi stagnation

Dang Gui

  • Has anti-aging property
  • Nourishes dry skin
  • Promotes blood flow to the facial area

Hong Hua

  • Promotes blood flow
  • works for dark/age spot
  • Nourishes dry skin

Tao Ren

  • Helps fight wrinkles
  • Nourishes dry skin

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